MassPlanner: Get 16,000 New Organic Social followers in 2 months

One of the biggest complaints we hear from new bloggers is the classic “It’s alright for you, you already have a huge audience. How do I monetize without an audience?

Although we covered options in the Travel Blog Monetization Course to monetize without a large audience, you’d be even better off if you could grow a big, targeted audience fast… right?

Our personal traffic strategy has always been about SEO – and most of our traffic still comes to our blogs that way. But, we realise how important social media is, but just haven’t really had the time to put into rapid growth… until recently.

Because we’ve now been using a solution that automates and rapidly increases growth in a surprisingly effective way: Mass Planner

The first thing you might be thinking is, well surely an automated process with this “auto follow BS” is going to give you a crappy, unengaged audience. That’s what we thought until we understood how Massplanner actually works. This is not a case of buying junk followers – the way it works is actually very smart, and organic.

How Mass Planner Works

First thing to understand is, it acts like a human! An intelligent human that does exactly what you command. And then continues to do that without you needing to intervene in the future.

MassPlanner is actually a great solution to audience building, without being spammy or getting you followed by “fake” accounts – just real people who will be genuinely interested in what you do.

  1. It follows intelligently to get you a targeted audience – here is one example (select a keyword in the automation, it only follows people with that word in their bio)
  2. It follows like a human – it logs in to your account and does stuff as if you were logging in and doing it yourself
  3. You can target real people (only people with a real profile image, who have posted recently.) You can tell it not to follow people who are suspicious or inactive (ie. old accounts, robots, fake accounts).
  4. It even lets you auto post on their photos so you engage with people. If they engage back, you can reply to them yourself – rather than automatically, so you can actually build engagement with all your new followers personally too.

Imagine having an assistant do all the social legwork for you, and all you have to do is do the fun part of actually interacting with people who engage back with you.

2 months from starting with mass planner and our engagement percentage on Twitter & Pinterest stayed steady, but our audience grew a lot. That means more overall reach, click throughs and shares for us, but no spammy repercussions of the automated process.

Quality engagement on a fast growing scale.

A big, relevant social audience means we have more leverage to pitch companies and get the paid partnerships we want.

(Note: Instagram engagement dropped 33% system wide for all users in the last year – nothing to do with mass planner – so the more followers you can get, the better)


Our growth

Before we started using Massplanner it took us almost 3 years to get to:

Twitter: 17,000
Instagram: 3,000
Pinterest: 5,000

But in our first two months with mass planner (Feb/Mar 2016), our stats jumped 16,000 followers across 3 networks to:

Twitter: 25,000 (Now 31K – June 2016)
Instagram: 9,500 (Now 12K – June 2016)
Pinterest: 9,200 (Now 12.4K – June 2016)

The first 2 months were huge, after that, slightly slower but still steady and much faster than the organic growth we had for the first 3 years of our blog.

To be exact, with twitter for example, we averaged 472 new followers per month over our first 3 years.

Since starting with MassPlanner we have added 14,000 in 5 months (Feb to June) to twitter alone – That’s 2,800 per month. A growth rate 6 times faster than what we were managing organically – and it’s all automated.

Now, probably, if you currently have very few followers, your initial growth will take a little longer as you need to get to a threshold point where new followers seeing your page take you seriously. But, you will still definitely grow your following much quicker than just sitting around waiting for people to follow you – which we did for 3 years.

With something like Instagram, so long as you have awesome photos, you can grow rapidly, even if starting very small – quality over audience on Instagram for sure. And that mostly applies on other platforms too.

MassPlanner is the “human” assistant that is much cheaper than outsourcing the work

For $10 a month, it’s a no brainer. So stop making excuses for yourself that it’s your small audience letting you down, and spend the next 3 to 6 months getting an automated solution that will put you on the map and help you get your great content out to an audience that cares.

Mass planner behaves like a human, so social media networks don’t block it… Yet. Take advantage of this opportunity now before social networks start blocking it! MassPlanner works on a monthly subscription, so if in the future social networks do block it, just cancel the service.

It’s not the perfect solution for everything (It has a couple of quirks here and there, like causing password resets on your account occasionally due to multi-location log ins). But it is the best “Set and forget” option on the market right now, and it’s been a massive boost for us at a tiny monthly cost.

Click to Learn More about Massplanner

Mass planner also has a 5 day free trial so you can take a look at how it works and even start building your following for free within the first few days.

Installing Mass Planner For Free

The system works like a human so has to be operating 24/7 in order for it to go in and manually perform tasks as if it was you logging in and operating your social consoles.

Although Massplanner software is built for windows, both Mac and windows users can actually run it 24/7 from a virtual server. Then it can be building your following while you sleep no matter what system you use at home. The virtual server is easy to set up and free for the first year.

How to setup your free 24/7 massplanner virtual server – grow your audience while you sleep.

The Massplanner software costs $10 per month at time of writing, and the amazon windows server is free for 1 year – after that you can either pay to keep growing your social audience, or cancel everything.


We hope to release some tips on we use to make the most out of mass planner. Watch out for more info on that coming soon.

If you are not already on registered with us, sign up FREE for access to 10 key lessons on Travel Blog Monetization.
